
Ten Tips for Quitting Smoking for Good

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Giving up smoking is a heroic challenge that commands inner strength; it takes the willpower of the gods to conquer the habit. Zeus is here to give you an extra helping hand with our top ten tips for beating the battle against conventional cigarettes.


1 – Name the day 

Choosing the right day to put down your conventional cigarettes for the last time is the first step towards success.  Think about what kind of smoker you are; do you smoke more at work or when you are just hanging at home?  Or do you only reach for the pack when you are with friends and drink in hand?  Whether you are a stress smoker, boredom smoker or social smoker, pick a quit date that will avoid your tobacco trigger.   


2 – Consider an alternative  

There are many options to help you curb your cravings in the early days of being tobacco-free; patches, gums, sprays and of course e-cigarettes.  It’s no myth that vaping is better for you than smoking and we have seen an epic explosion in recent years; around 3.6 million adults in the UK alone.  Choosing Zeus e-liquids to replace your conventional cigarettes is 95% less harmful to your health, much more pocket-friendly and widely considered to be less intrusive and irresponsible.  Paired with the pleasure of our original big, strong flavours that last all day, it’s no mystery why people who use e-cigarettes to quit smoking are twice as likely to succeed than those who use other nicotine replacement products. 


3 – Be prepared 

Like any good boy scout, being prepared will help guide you on your cessation journey.  Make sure you remove matches, lighters and leftover cigarettes from handbags, desk drawers and jacket pockets (including the ‘emergency’ pack you’ve snuck in the kitchen draw).  Consider how you are going to tackle quitting smoking, identify your triggers and tell your friends and family and harness the support and encouragement they send your way. And if you are considering a smoking alternative like Zeus vapes and e-liquids, then spend some time researching our Zeus Juice concentrates like our bestselling Black ReloadedDodoberry and Death by Bunny and find the flavour that is right for you 


4 – Avoid triggers 

As with identifying your quit date, spend some time thinking about why you regularly reach for your conventional cigarettes.  Triggers fall into four distinct categories: emotional, social, withdrawal and pattern and even the most rigid resolve can easily slip when provoked. Whether your triggers cross one or all four, recognising them, pre-empting them and putting avoidance and control strategies in place is your best and first line of defence.  


5 – Resist temptation  

Even just having a sneaky puff on your friend’s conventional cigarette is a slippery slope to failure; when quitting smoking for good, it’s all or nothingIf you feel powerless at times and you find your iron willpower is majorly melting, then a nicotine alternative like Zeus e-liquids and nic salts will help you to resist temptation and give you the sweet satisfaction you need without the toxic effects of tobacco.  


6 – Find a friend 

A problem shared is a problem halved, and finding a friend who will share your quitting journey will certainly help lighten the load.  Someone who feels supported is more likely to stop smoking for good so enlist the aid of a good friend, partner or colleague to champion your achievements, keep telling you how awesome you are and offer you a steadying crutch every step of the way.

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7 – Get physical  

Embracing your new approach to cleaner living goes hand in hand with moving. Whether it’s a brisk walk, some meditative yoga or steady swimming, studies show that even short periods of activity reduce the urge to smoke.  What’s more, exercise releases endorphins that fill you with that feel-good factor that may help you cope with the potential stress and low moods associated with the early days of quitting. Increase your fitness, improve your wellness and discover your strength; physically and emotionally.  


8 – Hand to mouth 

Many quitters find themselves reaching for the chocolate to curb those cravings and fill the gaping chasm that stopping smoking so often leaves.  Distraction techniques that keep your mouth moving and hands busy, such as chewing gum or squeezing a stress ball, will go some way to fill the void. Vaping is also a good alternative engaging both mouth and handsemulating the movement of smokingwhile Zeus e-liquids and flavours can also help you gradually reduce your nicotine intake measuredly managing your withdrawal symptoms 


9 – Why, why, why? 

Health, wealth and wellbeing are the three key drivers for kicking the habit.  We all know the health implications caused by tobacco such as higher risk of cancers and heart disease but it’s also important to remind yourself how good you will feel mentally and emotionallydriven by your sense of achievement and your new approach to cleaner living.  And let’s not forget how you will be able flash thcash that you are saving.  If you choose Zeus juices as your replacement, the average one-pack a day smoker will save around £90 per week.   


10 – Self-belief   

And finally, summon all your willpower and keep telling yourself that you are stronger than your addiction.

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